Monday, August 2, 2010

Busy Bee

I'm sorry I haven't been posting more. It is wedding season around here and I am just trying my hardest not to ruin someone's special day by not getting their jewelry done on time (the horror! I have nightmares about it!). I absolutely love the people who get their jewelry a year or more out. It really takes the pressure off me. :-)

But here are some pretty pictures of what I have been doing until I can add more new stuff. I finished the wax for the giant cocktail ring I have been talking about. I'll take some photos and share it with you tomorrow.

What do you think of this new white and yellow photo setting? I really like it! Does it create a certain feeling? I don't know, it does for me. Cool and quiet and private.

I also like this yellow pine. There is this furniture shop by my studio that specializes in reclaimed wood and custom furniture. So I stopped in there a bit ago and bought two boards to take photos on. One is walnut (which I love, but I think it needs to be varnished, right now it is just oiled and I think the texture is too distracting. See first photo above. I am hoping I can convince the shop monkey to sand and varnish it soon.) The white board from the yellow and white photos is a reclaimed cabinet door that I got at this salvage place, the yellow is curtains from Ikea!

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